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4" Yerba Santa with White Sage (Empowerment - Purification + Growth - Heals Emotional Pain)

4" Yerba Santa with White Sage (Empowerment - Purification + Growth - Heals Emotional Pain)

Regular price $5.00 USD
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Empowerment - Purification + Growth - Heals Emotional Pain 

Yerba Santa is traditionally used for beauty and empowerment, purification, growth and releasing emotional pain. When burned, it gives off a pleasant and uplifting scent that protects and purifies both yourself and your environment. Its smoke not only clears energy, but it helps to set boundaries and encourage healing. 

Clears Negative Energies - Raises Vibrations - Fresh Beginnings

White Sage is used to ask spirits for blessings, prosperity, protection, and to clear unwanted energies. The most common intention is for the smoke of the sage to cleanse people, spaces, and objects of unwanted negative energies, bad spirits and raise vibrations.

*This listing is for 1 sage


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